And then there was light: looking for the first stars in the Universe
September 10, 2019ASTRO 3D: Researchers hunt for a 12-billion-year-old signal that marks the end of the post Big Bang “dark age”.

Australia’s commitment to world’s largest telescope
March 13, 2019Australia has joined six other nations in signing an international treaty committing to the construction of the world’s largest science facility – the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).

Moon helps reveal secrets of the Universe
October 17, 2018The Moon may be the key to unlocking how the first stars and galaxies shaped the early Universe. A team of astronomers led by Dr Benjamin McKinley at Curtin University node of ICRAR and the ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D) observed the Moon with a radio telescope to help search for the faint signal from hydrogen atoms in the infant Universe.