European Union funds the conceptual study of the Wide Field Spectroscopic Telescope
November 29, 2024UWA is co-lead of the WST survey design package that will define what the facility will observe during its first few years.

‘Beyond what’s possible’: new JWST observations unearth mysterious ancient galaxies
February 15, 2024This early galaxy has too many stars for the amount of dark matter around at the time, finds new research published today in Nature. The study, led by Swinburne University, relied on dark matter modelling from ICRAR's A/Prof Claudia Lagos.

Two ICRAR researchers recognised in Astronomical Society of Australia prizes
June 29, 2023The Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA) will honour Dr Nichole Barry of ICRAR/Curtin and ICRAR/UWA student William McDonald at its Annual Scientific Meeting at the…