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ICRAR’s undergraduate research placement is an opportunity for undergraduate students who are keen to learn about real astronomy research at UWA.

The purpose of this placement is to give these students research experience in astronomy and astrophysics.
Students will have the opportunity to meet with professional astronomers and work with them for short projects.

These are volunteer projects open to any students enrolled in Physics at UWA.

This year’s research placement will run from 17th June to 28th June 2024. Longer research placement may be possible depending on the availability of supervisors.

Once students are allocated projects, supervisors will contact students to discuss details of the projects (e.g., timeline, meeting schedules etc).

As this is a new program, no funding is currently available for these projects. While placement opportunities are limited, we will try to accommodate as many students as possible.

The deadline for applications is 10th June 2024.

Apply Now

For more details, please contact Kenji Bekki at kenji.bekki@uwa.edu.au