Project area/S
- Epoch of Reionisation
Project Details
The Epoch of Reionisation (EoR) is a prominent transition in the cos-mic evolution when our Universe turned into an ionized one again. We can use 21 cm hydrogen line to study this epoch as it directly probes the radiative and physical properties of the intergalactic medium (IGM). Recently, we have developed a pipeline that uses observations from the Murchison WideField Array (MWA) to measure the temperature bright-ness of the 21 cm signal. These measurements are challenged by bright astrophysical foregrounds and systematics contaminating the data. Cali-bration is one key step towards processing the data, whereby the instru-mental gains (also referred to as calibration solutions) are solved for.
In this project, the student will be analysing the calibration solutions from LST-matched observations and averaging them across stable timestamps to reduce noise. Applying the averaged calibration solution might improve our foreground subtraction, resulting into improved measurement of the 21 cm signal.

Cosmic evolution of our Universe.
Student Attributes
Academic Background
Preferably maths/astronomy/physics
Computing Skills
Experience with Python or any programming language
Training Requirement
Supercomputing to produce calibration solutions
Project Timeline
Week 1 | Inductions and project introduction |
Week 2 | Initial presentation |
Week 3 | Familiarising with the data and tools |
Week 4 | Generating calibration solutions |
Week 5 | Developing python framework for averaging calibration solutions |
Week 6 | Applying framework on a set of observations |
Week 7 | Construct images and power spectra |
Week 8 | Interpretation of the results and conclusion |
Week 9 | Final presentation |
Week 10 | Final report |