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My name is Tim and I am one of the Education and Outreach coordinators. I look after the SPIRIT program of robotic telescopes and the educational programs that utilise them. Before that I was a radio astronomer who specialised in single-dish observations of pulsars.

Much like my career, my studies have taken me across multiple fields of study and in directions I didn’t expect. I eventually completed my degree in astrophysics at Curtin in 2010 after first enrolling in nanotechnology and then moving into condensed matter physics. I have worked at telescope facilities across Australia, from Ceduna in South Australia, to Mt Pleasant in Tasmania and many more between.

In my professional career I have designed and built science exhibitions at Scitech that have gone on to travel the world, given talks and tours of the universe in planetariums, and even worked as a data scientist assisting with research into climate change and biodiversity.

ICRAR Statement

The content of this page is maintained by Tim Young, please contact them with any questions or comments on this content.