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This micro-credential will take students on a journey through the cosmos. From gravity and the orbit of planets, through how stars, galaxies and the structure of the Universe form and evolve over the last 13billion years, to understanding how it all started with the Big Bang. We will touch on a key overview of many fields in astronomy, giving students a taste of our current understanding of the cosmos, and laying the foundations of further study at a university level.

Course Structure

This course teaches students everything they need to know about the fundamentals of Astronomy, and also provides  an understanding of current techniques for both observing the Universe and analysing real astronomical data.

Topics covered are:

  • Gravity and the motion of objects in space
  • The Sun-Earth-Moon System and how it impacts the Earth
  • The solar system and its formation
  • Planets outside of the solar system and how to detect/study them
  • Life on other worlds
  • Measuring distances in astronomy and the size of the Universe
  • The Periodic Table of elements and where/how elements are made
  • The Sun and other stars
  • The life-cycle of stars: Supernova, Neutron Stars and Black Holes.
  • The Milky Way and other galaxies
  • Galaxy evolution over the history of the Universe
  •  An introduction to relativity
  • The origin and fate of the Universe
  • Observing and analysing the Universe
  • What’s missing? The many things we don’t know about the Universe.

This course is delivered as a series of online lectures (1-2h), where 1-2 lectures will be provided to students each week. All resources, including lecture recordings, lecture slides, assignment details and additional material will be provided online such that students can return to these at any point.

This course forms part of the UWA+ Starter program. Within the UWA+ Starter program, you’ll:

  • Gain credit towards selected UWA bachelor degrees by completing 3 micro-credentials
  • Gain access to university resources (library, online resources and other campus facilities)
  • Receive a UWA Professional Development Transcript at the end of your studies, listing all completed UWA micro-credentials – great for uni entry and your resume!
  • Successfully completed UWA Starter micro-credentials can also contribute towards admission to UWA via Experience-based entry.

Delivery mode
Fully online

Course dates
Semester 1 – 15 April 2024 – 21 June 2024
Semester 2 – 07 October 2024 – 12 December 2024

Applications close
Semester 1 – 15 March 2024
Semester 2 – 6 September 2024

10 weeks

Total effort
55 hours

Costs (for UWA+ Starter generally)

$247.50 (inc GST) per micro-credential for students from participating partner schools (50% discount)

$55 (inc GST) per micro-credential for students from participating UWA Broadway Schools

$495 (inc GST) per micro-credential for students from non-partner schools

For more information see here.

Academic lead
Dr Luke Davies


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