Phil Diamond
Following an extensive search and selection process, a senior researcher and university executive, Dr Philip Diamond, has been appointed Chief of CSIRO’s Astronomy and Space Sciences Division.
Director of ICRAR, Professor Peter Quinn, was pleased to hear of Dr Diamond’s appointment.
“Phil has been a visitor here at ICRAR since last October and a colleague of several ICRAR staff for many years. ICRAR looks forward to working closely with Phil on the development of radio astronomy in WA and the Australian bid for SKA.”
CSIRO’s Group Executive, Information Sciences, Dr Alex Zelinsky, also welcomed the appointment.
“As Director of the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, Dr Diamond led the strategic research and management of the internationally renowned facility,” Dr Zelinsky said.
“His role has also included coordination of PrepSKA, the important Preparatory Phase study for the A$2.5billion international Square Kilometre Array project.”
Prior to his current appointment at Manchester University, Dr Diamond was the Director of the MERLIN and VLBI National Facility at the Jodrell Bank Observatory.
Dr Diamond holds a Bachelor of Science degree (majors in Physics and Astrophysics) from Leeds University, and a PhD in Radio Astronomy fromManchester University, both in the UK. Since gaining his PhD he has worked at the Onsala Space Observatory in Sweden, the Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronomy in Bonn, Germany and spent 12 years in various positions within the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in theUSA.
“In addition to Dr Diamond’s extensive professional experience, he has been an active scientist supervising PhD students and post-doctoral research fellows who have worked on important breakthroughs in astronomy. He has contributed to a significant number of scientific publications with over 300 papers, including prestigious publications such as Nature and Science, and books,” Dr Zelinsky said.
“As the new Chief of CSIRO’s Astronomy and Space Sciences Division, his aspirations are to continue to foster Australia’s reputation for exceptional radio astronomy while strengthening the linkages between astronomical and space sciences.
“We are delighted that CSIRO has been able to attract a person of Dr Diamond’s calibre and experience. His appointment will be a real asset to the organisation and his leadership will be critical to CSIRO’s continued drive to build world-class national facilities for radio astronomy. Dr Diamond will work closely with Dr Brian Boyle, CSIRO SKA Director to support Australia’s international SKA bid.”
Dr Diamond will commence as Chief of CSIRO’s Astronomy and Space Sciences Division on 1 June 2010.