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WHEN: May 20, 2019

Exploring the Wide, Fast, Deep Universe

20–23 May 2019

LSST@Asia in Sydney (Australia) is the first conference in what we intend to be a series, following on from a series of very successful LSST@Europe conferences held in 2013, 2016 and 2018. These meetings enabled close interaction between LSST personnel and European scientists interested in LSST.

LSST@Asia will bring together scientists in Asia, Australia and South Africa with an interest in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and provide them with the opportunity to interact with each other as well as with leaders of the LSST Science Collaborations (Solar System; Stars, the Milky Way and Local Volume; Transients and Variable Stars; Galaxies; AGN; Strong Lensing; Dark Energy and Informatics) and hear updates on LSST construction and data processing progress.

The main objectives of the 2019 meeting are to:

  • Provide an update on the status of the LSST Project
  • Develop a network of scientists in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific involved in various aspects of LSST
  • Promote increased engagement of scientists with the LSST Science Collaborations
  • Explore synergies with other facilities

Child care will be provided to maximise participation by those with carer responsibilities. There is funding support available to encourage attendance by early-career researchers (<5 years post-PHD) and PhD students.

Conference website