Dr Dick Manchester
Thursday 13th March, 3:00pm @ ARRC Auditorium, 26 Dick Perry Ave, Kensington WA 6151
57 Years of Pulsar Research
R N (Dick) Manchester joined the CSIRO Division of Radio physics at Parkes as a post-doc on February 12, 1968, just 12 days before the announcement of the discovery of the first-known pulsar, CP1919, by Hewish, Bell, et al..
He witnessed the first Parkes observation of the pulsar on March 22, 1968, and has been fascinated by pulsars ever since. From July 1969 he and his wife spent 5 years in the USA, where he continued to investigate pulsars, especially in collaboration with his friend and colleague Joe Taylor. In 1974 he and his wife returned to Sydney, and since then (aside from several extended visits to the USA and the UK) he has continued his research into pulsars at CSIRO in Marsfield.
He currently holds an honorary Emeritus Fellowship with CSIRO and continues to enjoy investigating pulsar astronomy and astrophysics. This talk covers some of the highlights of his long career.