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Final Program (version March 27)

DAY 1: WEDNESDAY 29 March 2017

08:50–09:00 Welcome to Country

09:00–09:10 Conference Welcome & logistics – Trott

09:10-09:20   Opening address – Vice Chancellor of Curtin University: Professor Deborah Terry

09:20-09:45  LESSONS: Randall Wayth (MWA lessons)

09:45-10:15   LESSONS: Michiel Brentjens (LOFAR lessons)

10:15-10:40    LESSONS: Steven Tremblay (LWA lessons)

10:40-11:10                                 MORNING TEA

Session Chair: Maria Grazia Labate

 11:10-12:00   ENG: Mark Waterson (SKA low architecture, calibration framework and approach)

12:00-12:15   ENG: Andrew Williams (METADATA & lessons learnt)

12:15-12:30   ENG: Chen Wu (Data Archive lessons learned)

 12:30-13:30                                 LUNCH

Session Chair: Jeff Wagg

13:30-14:00   INSTR: Ben McKinley (MWA primary beam determination)

14:00-14:30   INSTR: Roberto Pizzo: (LOFAR)

14:30-15:00   INSTR: Gulay Gurkan (Beams & flux scale)

15:00-15:30                                 AFTERNOON TEA

Session Chair: Cath Trott

15:30-16:00      INSTR: Jan Geralt bij de Vaate (LFAA developments to date)

16:00-17:00     Discussion led by Jeff Wagg: Theme, Towards SKA1_LOW – overview of SKA1_Low incorporation of lessons, future pathway etc.

19:00 (for 19:15)-23:00: DINNER AT HYATT, PERTH CITY (cost included in Registration)


DAY 2: THURSDAY 30 March 2017

Session Chair: Rachel Webster

09:00-09:30   EOR: Jonnie Pober, on behalf of Danny Jacobs (PAPER and HERA)

09:30-10:00   EOR: Jonnie Pober (EOR/low systems)

10:00-10:30   EOR: Michiel Brentjens, with Leon Koopmans (LOFAR)

 10:30-11:00                                 MORNING TEA

Session Chair: Lister Staveley-Smith

11:00-11:30   CALIB/Stefan Wijnholds (SKA-TT: Config & Calibration challenges)

11:30-12:00   CALIB/Deep: Wendy Williams (LOFAR; deep calibration)

12:00-12:20   CALIB/Deep: Andre Offringa (20mins)

12:20-12:40   INSTR/beams: Giuseppe Pupillo (20mins)

12:40-13:30                                 LUNCH

13:30-14:35   Discussion: David Kaplan (Transients and pulsars experience)

14:35-15:00                                 AFTERNOON TEA

(SKA Science Directors are invited to join the meeting)

Session Chair: Hermine Schnetler

15:00-15:45   Instrumental DR analyses during Design: Mark Cropper (Euclid Project) (remote)

15:45-17:00   Discussion/panel moderator Sarah Pearce

  1. The status of the Low design option(s).
  2. How the precursors have contributed so far.
  3. How the precursors can continue to contribute to risk reduction (science, validation, engineering, beam patterns… etc).

17:00   SUNDOWNER at ARRC (cost included in Registration)


DAY 3: FRIDAY 31 March 2017

Session Chair: Mark Waterson

09:00-09:30   IONOS: Maaijke Mevius (LOFAR ionospheric studies)

09:30-10:00   IONOS: Daniel Mitchell (overview of ionospheric analyses and calibration)

10:00-10:15   IONOS: Chris Jordan (overview of MRO ionospheric conditions)

10:15-10:30   IONOS: Maria Rioja (ionospheric calibration approach)

 10:30-11:00                                 MORNING TEA

Session Chair: George Heald

11:00-11:30   POL: Emil Lenc (MWA polarisation studies)

11:30-11:50   OTHER: Natasha Hurley-Walker (Building the Global Sky Model)

11:50-12:10   OTHER: Jess Broderick (Lessons learned studying the dynamic radio sky with LOFAR)

12:10-12:30  OTHER: Laura Wolz (Imaging using compressed sensing)

 12:30-13:30                                 LUNCH

Session Chair: Jean-Pierre Macquart

13:30-14:00   TRANS/P: Steve Ord (Pulsar observations and processing with MWA)

14:00-14:30   TRANS/P: Antonia Rowlinson (remote; pulsar and transients studies with MWA and LOFAR)

14:30-15:00   TRANS/P: Anna Bilous (Processing and calibration of LOFAR pulsar data)

15:00-15:30                                 AFTERNOON TEA

Session Chair: Carole Jackson

15:30-16:00    Conference summary: Ron Ekers