Some participants have been approached by a company attempting to obtain travel details and to pressure them into booking a room through them. Please do not respond to any emails or phone calls from anyone claiming to organise accommodation for the 2019 PHISCC meeting in Perth, as they are likely to be fraudulent. If you have any queries regarding accommodation booking, please refer to our local logistics page or contact one of the LOCs.
We present the 12th Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Pathfinder HI Survey Coordination Committee (PHISCC) workshop to be hosted in Perth, Australia. The PHISCC organises regular biannual (or annual) international meetings to coordinate scientific, observational and processing topics with regards to the HI surveys associated with the commissioning and the recently-commissioned SKA pathfinder facilities. This includes the development of scientific ideas and priorities, as well as technical tools to tackle common challenges such as RFI mitigation, visualization, source finding, data analysis, archive management and the acquisition of ancillary data.
11-13 February 2019 (+ bonus focus sessions on the 14-15 Feb 2019)
University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia
The 2019 12th PHISCC meeting will be one of the first PHISCC meetings where the main focus is on the new HI science emerging from the much anticipated SKA precursors and pathfinders. In this upcoming PHISCC workshop, the plenary session will be followed by a set of technical hands-on / strategic focus sessions, where together, the plenary session and the focus sessions will span the full week starting the 11th February 2019.
The science themes covered by the 2019 PHISCC plenary sessions are: 1)blind HI surveys; 2) high-redshift HI; 3) cold HI (through absorption); 4) targeted HI surveys; and 5) Synergies across radio facilities and simluations.
Confirmed invited speakers are:
James Allison (Oxford); Erwin de Blok (ASTRON); Sarah Blyth (UCT); Rajeshwari Dutta (ESO); Kelley Hess (ASTRON); Renée Kraan-Korteweg (UCT); Claudia Lagos (ICRAR/UWA); Karen Lee-Waddell (CSIRO); Natasha Maddox (LMU, Munich); Jonghwan Rhee (ICRAR/UWA); Paolo Serra (INAF-Cagliari); Marc Verheijen (Kapteyn); Zheng Zheng (NAOC), Ming Zhu (NAOC), Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro (IAA), Jeff Wagg (SKA).
SKA and HI-SKA science working group updates will be presented by Jeff Wagg (SKA), Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro (Granada) & Sarah Blyth (UCT).
The focus sessions will bring together active HI astronomers from across the different facilities and survey teams for the purposes of:
1) sharing expertise and knowledge of what works and does not in this new era of radio facilities;
2) understanding the methods currently employed to mitigate the challenges faced by these new HI observations;
3) learning the latest tools and software through hands-on tutorials and demonstrations.
Currently, the confirmed focus sessions and champions of these sessions (in parentheses) are:
i)Reference Fields (Betsey Adams);
ii) Database & products for public release (Lister Staveley-Smith);
iii) RFI flagging and mitigation (Vanessa Moss);
iv)Data quality assessment (Betsey Adams);
v)Visualisation (Russ Taylor);
vi)Source finding (Tobias Westmeier);
vii) Source parameterisation (Se-Heon Oh);
viii) SKA HI-SWG (Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro);
and specific team focus sessions for DINGO, FLASH, Fornax (MeerKAT), LADUMA, MHONGOOSE, MIGHTEE-HI & WALLABY.
Key Dates
- First Announcement: September 2018
- Registration opens: October 2018
- Abstract submission & early-bird registration deadline: 15 December 2018
- Registration & fee payment close: 15 January 2019
Scientific Organising Committee
- Marc Verheijen (PHISCC chair; Kapteyn),
- Ivy Wong (SOC chair; ICRAR),
- Lister Staveley-Smith (ICRAR),
- Jacqueline van Gorkom (Columbia),
- Ming Zhu (NAOC),
- Martin Meyer (ICRAR),
- Kristine Spekkens (RMC),
- Se-Heon Oh (KASI),
- Nissim Kanekar (NCRA),
- Sarah Blyth (UCT),
- Erwin de Blok (ASTRON).
Local Organising Committee
- Ivy Wong (chair),
- Bi-Qing For,
- Jonghwan Rhee ,
- Lister Staveley-Smith,
- Tracey O’Keefe,
- Lisa Randell,
- Kirsten Gottschalk
- Student helpers: Garima Chauhan, Robin Cook, Ahmed Elagali & Boyang Liu
We thank the University of Western Australia for their generous sponsorship of this workshop through a University Conference Sponsorship fund.