Perth Hub
Welcome to the Perth Hub information page for the 2024 ASA ASM.
On Wednesday, 26th June, the local astronomical community of Perth will come together for the in-person Hub Day at the University Club at UWA. Perth Hub’s program features National Prize Talks in the morning followed by in-person talks in the afternoon showcasing the science being carried out and enabled by our local early-career researchers (ECRs) in Perth. To complement the scientific program, the Local Organising Committee (LOC) has put together an excellent food and beverage program (with dedicated coffee catering), capped by a Perth Hub banquet – giving us ample time to network and discuss our science! We are looking forward to welcoming the Perth astronomy community to Hub Day at UWA.
You can register for Perth Hub using this form. Registration via this form is essential for billing and banquet numbers.
The registration deadline is June 19th.
Note: Registration for Perth Hub is separate from ASA ASM registration. Each Hub has its own plan, budget, and billing for Hub Day. Billing will be proportional to attendance and handled by each host institute (ICRAR/Curtin, ICRAR/UWA, CSIRO, SKAO, and AusSRC). Hub participants will not need to pay to attend Perth Hub.

Perth Hub will take place at the University Club at UWA. We have hired a bus to bring participants from Curtin, CSIRO, and SKAO (see below). Paid parking is also available in the UWA Car Park 5 adjacent to the club on Hackett Drive or along Matilda Bay on Hackett Drive. Signage will direct participants to the auditorium.
Detailed address:
The University Club of Western Australia
The University of Western Australia
Street Address: Hackett Entrance #1, Hackett Drive
Mailing Address: M800, 35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, Western Australia, 6009
Phone: +61 (8) 6488 8770
Dedicated Bus
We have hired a bus to pick up Hub Day participants from Curtin, CSIRO, and SKAO from ICRAR/Curtin (1 Turner Avenue, Bently). The bus will depart at 8AM, sharp! The bus be available for return travel to ICRAR/Curtin from the University Club and will depart at 9pm.
Parking information for the University Club can be found here.
The full program will be posted closer to the meeting date. The following is a tentative program:
8:00am – 9:00am | Reception |
9:00am – 10:30am | National Prize Talks |
10:30am – 11:30am | Morning Tea and Hub Poster Viewing |
11:30am – 1:20pm | National Prize Talks |
1:20pm – 2:20pm | Lunch and Hub Poster Viewing |
2:20pm – 3:50pm | Hub Talks Session 1 |
3:50pm – 4:30pm | Afternoon Tea and Hub Poster Viewing |
4:30pm – 6:00pm | Hub Talks Session 2 |
6:00pm – 6:30pm | Break and Hub Poster Viewing |
6:30pm – 10:00pm | Hub Banquet |
Hub Talks
The Hub Talk abstract submission is closed. Here is the abstract book.
Local talks are centred on ECR research. To give as many Perth ECRs as possible the opportunity to showcase their research, we have created a dynamic agenda of 7+3 minute and 3+2 minute lightning talks. Preference was given to PhD students for the eight 7+3 minute Hub Talk slots. The allocations of 7+3 and 3+2 minute talks were made at random.
The speaker list for the two Hub Talk sessions are:
Session 1
1 | Dorota Mieczkowska | 3+2 minutes |
2 | Carlo Mungioli | 3+2 minutes |
3 | Csanad Horvath | 3+2 minutes |
4 | Alister McLeod | 3+2 minutes |
5 | Sophie Deam | 3+2 minutes |
6 | Jordan Hoffman | 7+3 minutes |
7 | Jamie McGregor | 7+3 minutes |
8 | Lucía Paz Garate Nuñez | 7+3 minutes |
9 | Matthew Frosst | 7+3 minutes |
10 | Andrei Ristea | 3+2 minutes |
11 | Angel Chandro Gomez | 3+2 minutes |
12 | Kavin Kumar | 3+2 minutes |
13 | Susmita Sett | 3+2 minutes |
Session 2
1 | Alexander Hedge | 3+2 minutes |
2 | Shinna Kim | 3+2 minutes |
3 | Joe Grundy | 3+2 minutes |
4 | Scott Tompkins | 3+2 minutes |
5 | Seona Lee | 3+2 minutes |
6 | Sriram Sankar | 7+3 minutes |
7 | Xianghan Cui | 7+3 minutes |
8 | Hugh Roxburgh | 7+3 minutes |
9 | Shih Ching Fu | 7+3 minutes |
10 | Mike Kriele | 3+2 minutes |
11 | Nicholas J. Pritchard | 3+2 minutes |
12 | Nikhel Gupta | 3+2 minutes |
13 | Adelle Goodwin | 3+2 minutes |
Information for Hub Talk speakers:
To allow seamless turnover between speakers, we will be using a centralized computer for the Hub Talks. You will not be able to use your own computer for your Hub Talk. A laser pointer will be provided to you. Please send your presentation file (Powerpoint, Keynote, PDF) to Kat Ross ( using the following file naming convention:
HubTalk_{Session Number}_{Talk Number}.{pptx/key/pdf}.
Send your presentation files no later than EOB June 25th.
Important: alongside your presentation file, please send Kat two quiz questions on the important takeaways of your Hub Talk. These will be used for the Quiz Session at the Hub Banquet.
Hub Posters
We encourage all Perth Hub participants to bring a poster. Both scientific and technical posters are encouraged. Hub participants will be incentivised to visit and view posters throughout the day through challenges for which there will be banquet prizes! We have allocated over 2 hours of dedicated poster-viewing and networking time. Send poster titles and abstracts to the LOC by mailing Matt Frosst ( using the subject heading: Perth Hub 2024 Poster Submission.
We will accommodate both landscape and portrait posters. You will recieve an email on Monday, June 17 requesting your preferred poster dimensions. Hub Posters can also be uploaded and viewed electronically on the ASA Slack channel: #Perth-Hub-Posters. All poster-creators are encouraged to put electronic versions of their posters here, along with titles, abstracts, and head-shots for recognition.
The poster title and abstract submission deadline is 14 June. After this deadline, you may still bring a poster and/or post an e-version, but it will not be included in the registry for poster-related activities.
Important: Please send Kat Ross ( two quiz questions on the important takeaways of your Hub Poster. These will be used for the Quiz Session at the Hub Banquet.
Hub Day Banquet
Perth Hub will be topped off by a banquet dinner. Dinner will take place in the dining hall adjacent to the auditorium at the University Club. It includes a 3 course meal catering to all dietary restrictions and preferences and an open-bar selection of beers, wines, and non-alcoholic beverages (upgraded package, which we are confident will please). A sample menu is given here. This menu is a sample only and the club will cater to all dietary restrictions. Please indicate any such restrictions via the registration form or by contacting the LOC.
A Slack channel has been created for Perth Hub. Get on-the-day information and communicate with the LOC and other participants there.
Local Organizing Committee
Your LOC looks forward to welcoming you to Perth Hub. Please contact us if you have any questions.
- Matt Frosst
- Andrew Sullivan
- Connor Bottrell (Chair;
- Shané Kingdon
- Kat Ross
- Clancy James
- Natasha Hurley-Walker
- Chris Power