Leading Australian telescopes to get technology upgrades
January 17, 2020CSIRO’s iconic Parkes radio telescope – fondly known as ‘The Dish’ – will get a new receiver that will significantly increase the amount of sky it can see at any one time, enabling new science and supporting local innovation in the space sector.

Ken and Julie Michael Prize 2019 awarded
December 10, 2019Mengyao Xue from ICRAR-Curtin and Fei Qin from ICRAR-UWA have been awarded the Ken and Julie Michael Prizes for 2019.

MAGIC telescopes see most epic explosion
November 21, 2019A violent explosion in a distant galaxy has broken the record for the brightest source of high-energy light in the Universe.

Outback telescope captures Milky Way centre, discovers remnants of dead stars
November 20, 2019A radio telescope in the Western Australian outback has captured a spectacular new view of the centre of the galaxy in which we live, the Milky Way.

Spin doctors: Astrophysicists find when galaxies rotate, size matters
November 18, 2019The direction in which a galaxy spins depends on its mass, researchers have found. A team of astrophysicists analysed 1418 galaxies and found that small ones are likely to spin on a different axis to large ones.

World’s fastest supercomputer processes huge data rates in preparation for mega-telescope project
October 22, 2019Scientists have processed 400 gigabytes of data a second as they tested data pipelines for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope.