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Neutrino Hunters

July 14, 2015

Chasing a Ghostly Particle to Unlock Cosmic Secrets Ray Jayawardhana Move over Higgs — it’s neutrino time. The incredibly small bits of matter we…

Neutrino Hunters

Deep space images shed light on dark matter

July 10, 2015

New images of deep space are helping to shed light on dark matter, the invisible material that accounts for more than 80 per cent of all the matter in the Universe.

Deep space images shed light on dark matter

The Light Fantastic

July 8, 2015

A Harley Wood Lecture Dr Tanya Hill It’s impossible to visit a star, and even if we could, we wouldn’t be able to pull one…

The Light Fantastic

Galaxy’s snacking habits revealed

May 21, 2015

A team of Australian and Spanish astronomers have caught a greedy galaxy gobbling on its neighbours and leaving crumbs of evidence about its dietary past.

Galaxy’s snacking habits revealed