Astronomers capture black hole eruption spanning 16 times the full Moon in the sky
December 23, 2021Astronomers have observed the nearest active supermassive black hole to Earth at radio wavelengths in unprecedented detail. The emission is powered by a central black hole in the galaxy Centaurus A, about 12 million light years away.

Astronomers just got better at finding “bright” black holes
December 14, 2021Astronomers have a new way of detecting active black holes in the Universe and measuring how much matter they are sucking in.

Arecibo data still has astronomers in a spin
December 1, 2021New research shows the relationship between the mass of stars and a galaxy’s rotation is not what we first thought, with different galaxy types displaying a different relationship between the two properties.

Ken and Julie Michael Prize 2021 awarded
November 25, 2021The 2021 award recipients are joint winners James Buchan & Stefan Duchesne from ICRAR-Curtin and Ruby Wright from ICRAR-UWA.

Galaxy murder mystery solved
November 2, 2021Galaxies are being killed in one of the most extreme regions of the nearby Universe and astronomers think they know why.

Australia delivers critical subsystem for VISTA telescope
October 28, 2021An Australian-built major subsystem for the European Southern Observatory’s 4MOST instrument has arrived in Germany at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) ready for testing prior to installation on the four-metre VISTA telescope located in the Atacama Desert in Chile.