Supercomputer to boost SKA chances
April 13, 2011Researchers in Australia and New Zealand have been donated a high performance computing facility by IBM.
Giant cosmic tails point to a recent marriage
March 18, 2011ICRAR astronomers have created a new explanation for how a giant stream of gas came to trail behind the Magellanic Clouds.
MWA partnership puts local industry on the map
March 10, 2011Scientists and industry seek the first stars and galaxies.
WA soars into top 100 supercomputer list
November 17, 2010Western Australia has entered the prestigious ranks of the top 100 supercomputers on the planet.
Robotic Telescope swings into action for cosmic explosion
October 29, 2010The Zadko telescope was the first in the world to turn its gaze to the light coming from a powerful explosion billions of light years away, just 215 seconds after receiving an alert from a NASA satellite.
New clues for the formation of Globular Clusters
October 26, 2010Globular Clusters are densely populated masses of stars, usually found orbiting the centres of galaxies.