Citizen scientists name planet
December 15, 2015Volunteers from the Perth based citizen astronomy project theSkyNet have won the right to name a planet around a distant star as part of a global contest run by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
New spin on star-forming galaxies
December 15, 2015Australian researchers have discovered why some galaxies are “clumpy” rather than spiral in shape—and it appears low spin is to blame.
Scientists spot jets from supermassive black hole snacking on a star
November 27, 2015Scientists have discovered a hungry black hole swallowing a star at the centre of a nearby galaxy.
Eleven year cosmic search leads to black hole rethink
September 25, 2015An 11-year search performed with CSIRO’s Parkes telescope has shown that an expected background of waves is missing, casting doubt on our understanding of galaxies and black holes.
Volunteer black hole hunters as good as the experts
September 7, 2015Trained volunteers are as good as professional astronomers at finding jets shooting from massive black holes and matching them to their host galaxies, research suggests.
Scientists measure Slow Death of the Universe
August 11, 2015An international team of astronomers studying 200,000 galaxies has measured the energy generated within a large portion of space more precisely than ever before, discovering that it’s only half what it was 2 billion years ago and fading – the Universe is slowly dying.