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ICRAR is committed to supporting women+ (women and gender minorities) in astronomical sciences and technology. This fellowship is aimed at providing an opportunity for senior women+ astronomers, as well as engineers and data scientists working in the field of astronomy, (having more than five years research work experience post PhD) to visit ICRAR and interact with ICRAR researchers and graduate students. Previous recipients of the Fellowship can be seen here.

The main objectives of the fellowship are to:

  • Create opportunities for young researchers at ICRAR, particularly women+, to learn career development and work-life balance strategies from potential senior role models.
  • Enable scientific interaction between early career researchers and graduate students, particularly women+, with senior academic visitors.
  • Explore opportunities for developing mentoring relations.
  • Enrich the research environment at ICRAR.
  • Create opportunities to foster national and international collaborations.

The Fellow is expected to take part in a range of mutually discussed and agreed activities in line with the objectives of the Fellowship and split the time similarly between the two ICRAR nodes (Curtin University and UWA), in order to have the opportunity to participate in ICRAR’s daily life and engage with people at both institutes.


Selection Criteria:

1. Academic/Professional Track Record [30%]

Demonstrated excellence in astronomical sciences, engineering, or data science, as evidenced by a Ph.D. in a relevant field and a minimum of five years of post-Ph.D. research work.

2. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Track Record [30%]

Evidence of active engagement and commitment to DEI initiatives within the academic and/or professional setting.

3. DEI planned initiatives during ICRAR visit [30%]

Detailed plan of DEI activities complementing what is already offered by ICRAR, and offering concrete benefits to all parts of the organisation across all programs and levels of seniority.

4. Research activities during ICRAR visit [10%]

A concrete and feasible plan to carry-out cutting-edge research activities relevant to at least one ICRAR program.

Applicant details

Please include your preferred first and last name
Please indicate the proposed dates and/or duration of your visit to ICRAR.
Why are you interested in this Fellowship opportunity?
A key objective for this fellowship is for young women+ to learn career development and work-life balance strategies. Please describe some strategies you employ to balance work and life commitments or lessons learned along the way as you seek that balance.

DEI Focus

DEI Focus Area
We want the visiting fellow to be someone passionate about DEI topics and to share that with ICRAR. We would like a fellow who is open and keen to discussing issues and interacting with the department in more than just scientific topics. These questions tell us about your interests in this space and plans around these interests during your visit.
Diversity Council Australia refers to the following diversity topics / dimensions. This list is not exhaustive, but please indicate your main areas of interest or focus during your visit.
Please describe your experience related to the issue you selected above (max 300 words).
Provide an overview of the activities that you plan to carry out in the DEI area during the visit.
DEI Seminar
As part of the visit, you are also expected to deliver a seminar/presentation on DEI related topics. Please provide a title and brief description for your presentation.
What groups would be most impacted by this topic?

Science Focus

Provide an overview of the activities that you plan to carry out in the research area during the visit. (max 300 words)
Research Colloquium
We look for our visiting fellows to give a research colloquium on their work. Please provide a proposed title and description/abstract for your talk.
Are there any members of ICRAR you are currently collaborating with or would like to work with while visiting ICRAR?
Please list the names of the ICRAR members you are, or would like to be, collaborating with.
Please submit a max 1 page CV/research statement.
ICRAR is collecting the information in this form for the purposes of your application only. Your information will not be shared with third parties without your permission. You can read more about how we deal with personal information in our Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting us.