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Project area/S

  • Research Translation

Project Details

3D Printed Brain Models for Education

The aim of this project is to produce 3D printed models of the brain and its key structures with sufficient detail to assist in the education and training of neuroscientists and doctors.

The student will work under the joint supervision of researchers from ICRAR, UWA’s School of Human Sciences, and the UWA Medical School to use 3D Slicer software to extract and 3D print detailed models of brain regions from MRI data.

Student Attributes

Academic Background

Physics, engineering, computer science

Computing Skills

Moderate – needs to be willing to learn the command line interface.

Training Requirement

Minor – 3D printer training

Project Timeline

Week 1 Inductions and project introduction
Week 2 Initial presentation
Week 3 Slicer software training
Week 4 Brain model extraction from MRI data
Week 5 3D printing initial test models
Week 6 Refinement of models and printing methods
Week 7 Refinement of models and printing methods
Week 8 Adding detail such as colour and texture to printed models.
Week 9 Final presentation
Week 10 Final report