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Studentships are an excellent opportunity for undergraduate students to experience cutting edge research in Australia. If you are interested in a Summer Studentship with ICRAR, we welcome your application. The purpose of the studentship is to give you research experience, and for you to see what the ICRAR PhD study pathway has to offer for you.

This year’s studentships will run from 18th November 2024 until 7th February 2025, with a break over the New Year period.

The Studentships are open to Australian and New Zealand residents ONLY.

View Projects  Apply Now  Provide a reference

General Information

2019 ICRAR Summer Students

Selected undergraduate students from Australia and New Zealand will receive up to $7,600 over the 12 week internship (10 weeks work and a two week paid Christmas break). Applicants not from Western Australia will also receive one return airfare to Perth from their home city. Accommodation can be organised by ICRAR and will be subsidised by up to 50%.

Our programme targets students entering their final year of undergraduate research (i.e. honours, or 2nd year of masters) in 2025; however, other undergraduate students may also apply and will be given due consideration. We have two priority places for Indigenous students, one at each node of ICRAR.


Projects will be available in astronomy, radio astronomy engineering and data intensive astronomy. Some of the projects have a computational focus, are co-funded by the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre  and will use their infrastructure. Successful students will be assigned a project that interests them based on their preferences from an extensive list of projects over many topics in astronomy, astronomy computing or radio astronomy engineering.

Any questions about the studentship program or application procedures can be sent to studentships@icrar.org.

Diversity and Equity

ICRAR is committed to creating a working environment and culture that is inclusive and provides equal opportunities, irrespective of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, culture and origin. We celebrate inclusion and diversity and believe gender equity is fundamental to an excellent workplace. We are committed to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander reconciliation, diversity and social justice and aim to create an inclusive environment where our staff and students are valued and inspired. This includes a supportive recruitment process should you require any access assistance.

We appreciate the experiences, skills and perspectives of all individuals and harness a collaborative environment. We actively encourage applications from people from diverse backgrounds, and we encourage flexible working hours in consultation with your supervisor/s.

COVID-19 & Travel

We will be accepting applications from students enrolled in universities Australia-wide and in New Zealand. However, given COVID-19 is an ongoing concern, we are aware that an infection could impact both travel plans and the studentship. In the case of an infections, we will work with you given your individual circumstances as much as we can.


A full list of projects is available to browse, spread across both the Curtin University and University of Western Australia nodes. We will ask you to select up to three projects you’re interested in in order of preference, and preferably with at least one from each node. We will try to give students their preferred projects, but if not possible, will work with successful students to match them with a project that suits their interests and skills.

View Projects

Application Procedures

Applications will open in late July. Applications will be submitted via a webform.
All applications will include:

  • Official Academic Transcript
  • Details of your two Academic Referees (who need to submit their reference form by the deadline)

As part of the application process you will be asked to select your top three projects. We will have a project for almost any area of interest, and will work with successful candidates to ensure they have the best experience possible in the internship.

Apply Now

Selection Process

Successful students will be contacted by early September.

Evaluation and selection will be based on:

  • Student qualification and past performance.
  • Student motivation and expected benefit.

We also have two priority places for Indigenous students, one at each node of ICRAR.

Provide a reference

Timeline 2024/2025

  • July: Applications open
  • 23rd August: Applications close (at 17:00 AWST)
  • September: Offers completed
  • 18th November: Studentships begin
  • TBC: Pawsey Centre studentship orientation
  • early December: Initial presentation day
  • End-of-year break (21 December 2023 – 5 January 2024)
  • Late January 2025: Final presentation day
  • 7th February 2025: Report due & studentships end

Award Conditions

  1. Applicants must be undergraduate or 1st year masters students – preference will be given to students entering their final year of undergraduate work (i.e. honours) or final masters year in 2025.
  2. Internships will run for approximately 10 weeks of work during the period late November 2023 to February 2024, although dates for the internships are negotiable. Students are expected to start on the first day of the studentship program unless extenuating circumstances apply.
  3. The studentship is for up to $7,600 per student, paid in fortnightly instalments for the duration of the studentship, including over the two-week end-of-year break (10 weeks total work, 12 weeks total pay).
  4. Applicants from outside WA will receive a return flight to Perth from their home city, as well as up to 50% accommodation subsidy from ICRAR.
  5. Students must be studying at an Australian or New Zealand educational institution and not have held an internship with ICRAR in the past.
  6. Students will write a final report and give a presentation on their work at the conclusion of the project. There may be other requirements which will be made clear to students throughout the program.
  7. Students will be expected to maintain a high level of attendance throughout the duration of the internship and conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times.
  8. Students who will be using Pawsey resources are expected to attend the introductory training session on supercomputing at Pawsey and any specific training sessions relevant to their research. Pawsey associated students will also be encouraged to attend the Pawsey networking events held near the end of the program.

Past ICRAR Summer Student presentation